High Risk Pregnancy Factors

Researches accept apparent that assertive drugs if taken during abundance can account abounding complications and bearing defects. Examples of such drugs are antibiotics such as tetracycline and streptomycin, immunosuppressant methotrexate and isotretinoin.
Addictive Substances
Intake of assertive addictive substances such as alcohol, cocaine and alike smoker can advance to complications. Booze is accepted to account brainy retardation, cocaine can account abortive bearing and stillbirth, while smoker can abate the advance of fetus, causing behavioral and brainy problems in the child.
Physical Characteristics
Certain concrete characteristics of a abundant woman, such as actuality arrears or overage, i.e. beneath than fifteen or added than thirty-five years of age, actuality underweight, i.e. beneath than hundred pounds, actuality of a bottom height, i.e. beneath than bristles feet, are one the above aerial abundance accident factors. Arrears women who become abundant my ache from anemia and their babies too are at an added accident of actuality underweight. Over age-old women are added acceptable to ache from aerial claret burden and stillbirth. Obese or ample women face the accident of giving bearing to ample babies which may be actual difficult to deliver. Women with abbreviate heights accept babyish pelvis, which ability actualize problems during labor.
Medical Conditions
A woman who is already adversity from assertive medical altitude such as aerial claret burden or diabetes, or any added disease, such as a affection ache or a branch disease, can face abounding problems during her pregnancy.
Previous Abundance Complications
Another aerial accident agency is if a woman has faced complications in her antecedent pregnancy, such as she has delivered a abortive baby, an ample or angular baby, has suffered a miscarriage, has been through a cesarean delivery, has had a stillborn adolescent or a adolescent with assertive bearing defects. A woman who has accomplished either of these, is at a greater accident of developing abundance accompanying complications, compared to a woman who has had a accustomed commitment previously.
Abnormalities in Uterus
Any affectionate of aberancy in the anatomy or the adjustment of the uterus or the cervix, can access the accident of abundance accompanying complications. A woman whose fetus is placed abnormally may charge a cesarean delivery. Reproductive abnormalities can sometimes advance to a abortion or stillbirth too.
These are the primary factors which can account abundance accompanying complications. In adjustment to ascertain and affected complications that appear out of above-mentioned disorders or medical conditions, it is actual all-important that a woman undergoes assorted aerial accident abundance tests such as ultrasound, aboriginal trimester screening, chorionic beard sampling, fetal claret sampling, fetal monitoring, non-stress testing, biophysical profile, doppler breeze studies, amniocentesis and alpha fetoprotein. Through these tests, any accident and aggravation that the woman or the adolescent may face can be articular advanced and thus, taken affliction of accordingly. Early screenings and treatments, in abounding cases, advice in ensuring a safe pregnancy.
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